If you aren't using Gnus already, put this in a file called ~/.gnus
(setq gnus-select-method '(nnnil)) (setq gnus-secondary-select-methods '((nntp "feedbase" (nntp-open-connection-function nntp-open-tls-stream) ; feedbase does not do STARTTLS (yet?) (nntp-port-number 563) ; nntps (nntp-address "feedbase.org"))))
Start Gnus (M-x gnus
), go to the server buffer (^
), move point to the line that says feedbase
, press RET
and then subscribe (u
) to the feeds you want to read. Exit the server (q
) and the server buffer (q
), get new news (g
) and you're ready to go!
Here is a screencast showing how to set up Thunderbird to use Feedbase:
(5m47s, 1280x720, 32 MB)
Most feeds include HTML, so slrn needs to be configured with a script to display HTML:
In your ~/.slrnrc
put these lines:
after installing the Python module html2text (Debian package: python3-html2text) and putting html2text.sl in some appropriate place.set use_metamail 0 interpret html2text.sl
Then start slrn by running:
$ slrn -h snews://feedbase.org
There you go!